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Loupe' Project
Sept 27-30, 2012
N. Portland, OR

Mr & Mrs. Loupe’ are in their early 60’s, and have lived in their North Portland home for many years. They both work. In 2004, they started taking care of their adult son, who had begun needing care for symptoms related to Cystic Fibrosis. Following a lung-transplant in 2006, he passed away in September of 2010. During those 6-years, their time & money was more than used-up taking care of their son and tending to medical issues. They will be paying off medical bills for quite some time.

A few years ago, they began noticing water stains in their ceiling, and it was determined that the flat portion of their roof had been leaking. This was repaired in the Fall of 2010, coinciding with their son’s death. Unfortunately, the repair was substandard, and the leaks continued to get worse. When they called us, there were multiple locations of complete sheetrock saturation & collapse.

From Thursday 9.27 to Sunday 9.30, over 20 volunteers removed, rebuilt, and reroofed the problem area...and made the interior repairs as well! Thanks to project partners:
* Ryan Kerner Construction - contractor oversight, training
* Parr Lumber - discounted lumber
* Woodfeathers - discounted roofing materials
* Solid Rock Church - volunteers
* Catalyst Ministries - volunteers
* Judith McLean - project management